Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stress on life

I find myself in stressful everyday life satiation's and yet in most of them I feel really calm. I had no clue that I was already doing the things that she was talking about. For example, the place where I live dose quarterly inspections and my house is really bad in the organization department. I was stressing over this because I had short time to do it plus with both of my kids on top of that. But I stayed calm and got it done.

I am having a conflict with some girls at church being fake towards me. I would rather them be honest with me and tell me they don’t like me instead of portending that they do care and are willing to be there for me. In all reality I have never in the year and a half that I have been going to this church have ever had people show this so called care ness towards me when I really need it the most. I have tried to ask them to come hang out but get nothing in return. I really am to the point to where I am just going to give up on trying to have friends because I am better off being by myself then being around fake people. But the hardest thing for me to do is let them know how they are making me feel. I have major panics attacks with just the thought of talking to them or anyone about the problem. There is a few ladies that I would love to trust but one seems to only call me when she needs something and I understand with the other two that they have a busy life we all do really. Just once I wish I could make real friends that are females instead of having guy friends. I don’t know why I seem to get along with guys better than I do females.

Sabrina you are just over thinking this and I am sorry that you feel this way but that is not what’s going on at all. The reason you are feeling this way is for the fact that you are holding us to a higher expectation of what we really are. We care about you because we are Christians and that’s what we are supposed to do. If you ever need us just please text or call us whenever and we will answer. And I will be sure to text you and see how you are doing? I will also be praying for you I hope you get to feeling better soon. Remember I love you and I am here for you. I will talk to you later.

As I am here watching as everything goes on I can see what is really being said. This poor girl just really wants friends but her every step gets ignored or pushed aside like yesterday garbage. These girls are lying to her face saying they are there for here but not once made those steps. Oh she is trying to get girls to go have lunch with her and her kids after church but oh wait they all ditched her when she walked away to go get her kids. Poor girl never even had a word said to her. Oh there is that I am better then you and I will prove it girl having a surprised party at her with-out inviting her. 

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